
Do you know that you can look older with the wrong make-up application, and look younger with the right application? Here are frequent mistakes and solutions and 4 reasons why your make-up makes you look older than you are! 

1 | Use high-cover, intensive foundation.

Thin lines and wrinkles, can be more visible if you put too much foundation on! For a more natural look, choose a thin foundation. Instead of applying Concealer to whole your face, only apply it where you need!

2 | Putting too much face powder on! 

Compressed powder shows more rough on the skin. If your skin is very oily, you can apply a fine coat of powder on to T shape of your face.

3 | Forgetting to moisturise your face! 

When you apply makeup to unhydrated volumes, the appearance of wrinkles and rough spots on your skin becomes apparent. For this reason, you should add moisturizer to your makeup bag. Before starting your makeup, you can try experimenting with a moisturizer to see if your skin has a smoother appearance.

4 | Applying the under eye cream wrong.

Since the under-eye skin is very delicate, you should be careful when applying cream. You should make a soft massage with only small touches to the under eye area. By making small rings with your speckle finger, your cream application will be the most accurate technique.

4 reasons why your make-up makes you look older than you are!

Do you know that you can look older with the wrong make-up application, and look younger with the right application? Here are frequent mistakes and solutions and 4 reasons why your make-up makes you look older than you are! 

1 | Use high-cover, intensive foundation.

Thin lines and wrinkles, can be more visible if you put too much foundation on! For a more natural look, choose a thin foundation. Instead of applying Concealer to whole your face, only apply it where you need!

2 | Putting too much face powder on! 

Compressed powder shows more rough on the skin. If your skin is very oily, you can apply a fine coat of powder on to T shape of your face.

3 | Forgetting to moisturise your face! 

When you apply makeup to unhydrated volumes, the appearance of wrinkles and rough spots on your skin becomes apparent. For this reason, you should add moisturizer to your makeup bag. Before starting your makeup, you can try experimenting with a moisturizer to see if your skin has a smoother appearance.

4 | Applying the under eye cream wrong.

Since the under-eye skin is very delicate, you should be careful when applying cream. You should make a soft massage with only small touches to the under eye area. By making small rings with your speckle finger, your cream application will be the most accurate technique.